Randy Enwright

Randy Enwright is co-founder of Enwright Rimes. Randy founded EM Campaigns in the fall of 2003 after more than two decades in campaign and political party management. In 2017, as EM Campaigns was starting its 14th year, Randy and his long-time business partner Jim Rimes decided to rename the company Enwright Rimes. The firm continues to successfully specialize in planning and executing winning campaigns.

Randyโ€™s reputation for integrity and success has propelled him to the top of Republican politics in Florida and around the country. Over the last two decades, Randy has been a key strategist for many important issues moving through the Florida Legislature. Under his leadership, the company helped lead the effort to deregulate the telecommunication industry, reform tort laws, and maintain the Hurricane Sales Tax Holiday.

Randyโ€™s extensive career in campaign management and political consulting began in the early 1980s. He managed the 1988 George Bush for President Campaign in Missouri, and served as Political Director of the Missouri Republican Party.

Additionally, Randy served terms as the Executive Director of both the Republican Party of Iowa and the Republican Party of Florida. Under Randyโ€™s guidance, both state parties set fundraising records along the way to exceptional electoral success. In fact, with Randy at the helm of the Republican Party of Florida, the Sunshine State became the first southern state since reconstruction to gain Republican control of both the executive and the legislative branches. Randy also served as a Regional Political Director for the Republican National Committee, a position that took him to several states throughout the Midwest and the South.

Given Floridaโ€™s critical nature in presidential politics, for most of the past decade Randy has served as a senior advisor to the Republican National Committee, specifically covering Florida. Randy played a key role in the successful campaigns of former Governor Jeb Bush and President George W. Bush, as well as the campaigns of Attorney General Bill McCollum, Congressmen Bilirakis, Gaetz, and Rooney, and State Senators Don Gaetz, Kathleen Passidomo, and Joe Negron.

Randy continues to work closely with the state and national party, helping to coordinate the voter contact programs and overall strategy.

Randy and his wife Karla reside in Tallahassee. The couple has two children, Marina and Brody.

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Jim Rimes

Jim Rimes is co-founder of Enwright Rimes and has experience both inside and outside of the process. Jim has served as a Deputy Chief of Staff for a Republican Governor, staff director in the Florida Senate Majority Office and Executive Director of the Republican Party of Florida. His 28 years of experience in Florida politics brings a unique blend of skills in government, politics, and technology.

During his tenure with Enwright Rimes Consulting, Jim served as the general consultant to several successful campaigns, including Congressman Gus Bilirakis, State Senators Jeff Brandes, Kathleen Passidomo, Jason Brodeur, Nick DiCeglie and State Representatives Jason Shoaf, Shane Abbott, Brad Drake and Clay Ingram. He has managed several issue advocacy campaigns on a statewide basis, utilizing direct mail, radio advertising and telemarketing.

Jim served as the Staff Director for the Florida Senate Majority Office during the 2013-14 sessions.โ€ฏ In that role Jim worked with Majority Leader Benacquisto to facilitate the management of legislation in committee and on the Senate floor. Jim was responsible for leading a team to coordinate with the Senate Presidentโ€™s office regarding policy needs and managed the communication needs of the Republican caucus including the use of video and social media.

Jim served as the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Florida. Under his leadership, the RPOF thrived. Jimโ€™s team partnered with FOX News, CNN/YouTube, and Univision to plan three nationally-televised debates during the 2008 Presidential Primary. The RPOF hosted a Presidency 4 event with 3,000-plus Republican activists from across the state and over 300 members of the media from across the nation. In addition to these major national events, Jim oversaw record-breaking fundraising efforts, successful voter registration and GOTV initiatives, and implemented enhanced communications with the media and grassroots supporters. Jim played a crucial role in the overwhelming passage of Amendment 1 in January, an initiative that cuts taxes for homeowners and businesses.
Prior to serving as Executive Director of the RPOF, Jim served as a Deputy Chief of Staff for a Republican Governor. In this capacity, Jim assisted the Governor with policy formulation and implementation through legislation and the budgetary process. Jim directly assisted with the supervision of several of state agencies, including the Department of Management Services, the Department of State, and the Agency for Workforce Innovation. He helped coordinate relations with Florida Cabinet agencies, the members of the media and the general public.โ€ฏ
Jim also served as Director of Operations for a Republican Governor Campaign, where he was responsible for developing and executing direct voter contact programs. He coordinated media buys, commercial shoots, radio production and all external vendors, as well as working with the Chief of Staff and Political Director to develop the campaignโ€™s budget and strategic plan. In addition to his responsibilities for the daily management of the campaignโ€™s financial resources, Jim coordinated all activities relating to technology, providing him with exceptional experience that proved to be an invaluable benefit to the Governorโ€™s Office, Republican Party of Florida, and now to the Enwright Rimes Consulting.
A Florida native, Jim graduated from the Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science. Jim resides in Tallahassee.

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Clay Barker

Clay Barker graduated from Florida State University in 2011 and began his career with State Representative Jeff Brandes in the 2011 Legislative Session. The following year, during the 2012 campaign cycle, Clay oversaw the grassroots efforts of Jeff Brandesโ€™ successful campaign for the Florida Senate.

Following the victory, Clay returned to the Florida House of Representatives to serve as Legislative Aide to State Representative Jake Raburn where he helped guide the freshman legislatorโ€™s priorities through the Chamber.

After a successful legislative session, Clay joined a Tampa-based government affairs and consulting firm to manage their political clientโ€™s during the 2014 election cycle. In this role, Clay provided strategic planning and guidance to local and state legislative campaigns, including budget overview, fundraising, media development, public relations, polling and grassroots coordination.

In 2015, Clay moved back to Tallahassee to serve as Political Director for the Republican Party of Florida where he helped develop and execute an effective statewide voter contact and engagement plan and served as the point of contact between all elected Republican officials and the Party. Clay was featured in the โ€œ30 under 30 Rising Stars in Florida Politicsโ€ by SaintPetersBlog, a Florida political blog later that year.

Clay joined Election Management Solutions in March of 2016, bringing with him a valuable network of statewide contacts and experience in a wide variety of policy areas.

Clay resides in Tallahassee with his wife Heather and their two children, Lucas and Lily.

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Zach Monahan

Zach Monahan is the Creative Director for Election Management Solutions. Zach got his start in politics as member of the communications team at the Republican Party of Florida from 2015 - 2016, where he wrote press releases and published Op-Eds on behalf of the party, drafted Facebook and Twitter content for the RPOF social media accounts, and assisted with promotion for events such as the 2016 Sunshine State Summit.

During the 2016 Election Cycle, Zach joined the Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee to develop microtargeted content and mail pieces in battleground State Senate seats, assisting to maintain the Republican Senate Majority.

In 2017 Zach was tapped to lead Supernova Digital, an EMS sister company devoted to digital communications and web content. In this role Zach served as Digital Director for several successful campaigns, local to statewide. Notable victories include a statewide digital ad campaign in opposition to the Florida 2020 "jungle primary" amendment and battleground State Senate wins for Jason Brodeur and Nick DiCeglie.

Zach is also accomplished in political branding and video production in the social media age. In 2018 he successfully redesigned the website and logo for the Pinellas GOP. He has directed, written and edited campaign ads that served on both digital and linear television mediums, including the television ad โ€œExperienced and Fairโ€ for Circuit Judge Keith Meyerโ€™s campaign and the popular digital ad โ€œHelp Wantedโ€ for Representative Shane Abbott.

Now as Creative Director for all of Election Management Solutions, Zach personally works with every client to create a digital strategy that best accomplishes their goals and a campaign brand that effectively delivers their message to voters who matter.

Zach graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Creative Writing. In 2021, he was named to INFLUENCE magazine's 30 Under 30 rising stars in Florida Politics.

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Zach Colletti

Zach Colletti is the Director of Operations at Enwright Rimes and has experience in various roles in politics and in government. He has worked as campaign staff, in trade and advocacy associations, and as a Legislative Aide in the Florida Senate.

Zach cut his teeth in the campaign world working as field staff for Adam Putnamโ€™s 2018 gubernatorial run. There, he helped manage volunteers, coordinate walks, and worked directly under the Tallahassee field Director. From there, Zach moved to NFIB where he assisted in their small business advocacy efforts in Tallahassee. His role there comprised member outreach, policy research, event coordinating, and office management.

Zach joined the Supernova Digital team ahead of the 2020 election cycle where he served as Digital Project Manager. Here, he assisted campaigns in social media management, email outreach and fundraising, and digital ad-buying. Zach played a crucial role in crafting and promoting targeted messages for our teamโ€™s campaigns, and was critical to our success in the 2020 cycle.

After the election Zach joined the office of Senator Jeff Brandes as a legislative aide in Tallahassee. In Senator Brandesโ€™ office, Zach worked on the front lines of a host of issues including housing, transportation, election administration, and property insurance. Zach played an important role in bringing the depth of Floridaโ€™s property insurance issues into focus in the Florida Senate, helping to clear a path for the significant reforms passed in 2022.

Ahead of the 2022 election cycle, Zach returned to the Enwright Rimes team in his new role as Director of Operations. In this role, Zach makes sure campaign plans are seamlessly implemented and executed so the candidate can focus on what's most important - talking to voters. In additiona, Zach heads our teamโ€™s direct mail operations. In this capacity, Zachโ€™s work was central to several successful campaigns including those of Congressman Gus Bilirakis, State Senators Jason Brodeur and Nick DiCeglie, State Representative Shane Abbott, and various campaigns at the county and local levels.

Zach was named one of INFLUENCE Magazineโ€™s Rising Stars in 2023 for his work in the legislature and during the 2022 election cycle.

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Drew Heffley

Drew Heffley is a third-generation political operative with an extensive background in campaigns and legislative advocacy in Florida. His campaign experience includes advanced
micro-targeting, voter contact, grassroots organization, and managing operations on congressional campaigns, constitutional measures, legislative, and local races.

While working at the Florida Medical Association, Drew was an integral part of their political operations to enhance their ability to effectively target districts. He was responsible for managing the candidate research including opposition research, polling, voting history, demographic analysis, and strategy.

Drew was recognized in 2019 by INFLUENCE magazine's 30 under 30 rising stars in Florida Politics.

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